
This page is under construction. In addition to information regarding "role-playing," it will contain various videos available on the net. Some educational, some just for fun. If you can send a link to an appropriate video, .

Opinion, The Passion of the Christ


It is a a tenet of THE WAY of Intelligence that human beings can play just about any role they choose--operative word here is "choose". If we don't choose a role, someone will inevitably choose one for us, and that's usually the role of victim. Although there are people who relish the role of victim, Sanity Islanders do not--they know there really is no such thing (for adults) as "victimhood." Because, though we can't always choose our circumstances, we can choose how we respond to them.  This page is under construction; soon there will be here a full exploration of this topic.

Actors' Resources


Theatre Communications Group James, actor, playwright, cranialsacral therapist, and good pal, has recommended this link for excellent articles about role-playing.



Animated, narrated, step-by-step presentation of the most valuable piece of information at Sanity Island, The Picture of Man.


The 4 Forces in Motion--fabulous linear presentation from Honda (takes a while to load, worth the wait)


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Sanity Island © 2010 by Harmony Workshop
May be freely copied and distributed if with attribution.